Sports & Games are not only for strong & smart!!!
Arts is not only for talented!!!
Exams & Quizzes are not only for intelligent!!!
Good Schooling is not only for the kids who are good at any of the above!!!
It should be given for all!!!!!!!!!
Do you know?
Though our current society talks\implements “Education for All”. The output is just “School for All”
Every kid in the country should be forced to go to school but not forced to study.
Even the well established private schools don’t give its 100% on student engagement activities. In a typical school more than 50% of kids in each class live a mechanical life without knowing what they are studying or for what they are studying.
Our Idea!!!!!
As a part of model & mentoring wing activities, Swarg is adopting schools where it mentors the school management & teachers, the best practices of schooling and student engagement activities.
With respect to student engagement activities, we first gauge the school that we’ve adopted. Depending on the current infrastructure & opportunities given to the students, we start different kinds of clubs in the school.
Swarg in Action:
Incase if the students group\school don’t have even the basic things then we start children club. At times there is a need to educate the parent as well.
Eg: Our children club in “Community Center” project in Pudur Slum area in Ashok Nagar, Chennai. More>>
There are places where kids have opportunities to few extracurricular activities but still not aware of what they are studying or for what they are studying.
To face this challenge we are starting a science club in the schools . More>>
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